Monday, January 11, 2010

BP3_2010011_Web 2.0 T1-Game Classroom

Picture courtesy by Microsoft Office Online

Game Classroom is a website that offers education games, as well as worksheets and homework help. This site is designed for kids, parents, and teachers. I particularly like this Web 2.0 tool because as a kindergarten teacher I am always looking for new interactive games that are reinforcing the skills that are being taught in the classroom.

One great thing about Game Classroom is that it is free. It also offers all different levels from K-6. Professional educators created this site so most of the content on the site matches state education standards, which is always a plus.

I teach kindergarten at a title 1 school and I have many different levels of instruction in my classroom each day. Because this site offers different levels within the content, my class can benefit using this website when we break out into centers.

Just looking at kindergarten the content that is offered is extremely extensive. When you click on a topic it gives you the skill, goal, and skill description. Then it offers sample problems, learning tips, online resources, and extra help. It’s amazing. This makes lesson plans a lot easier in teacher world.

Game Classroom only offers language arts and math curriculum but does try to incorporate science and social studies within a monthly newsletter that is also but grade level. Each monthly newsletter offers an article and video content on some type of current event or something interesting. The newsletter also offers activities for writing.

So as you can see this site is pretty much amazing in the eyes of an elementary school teacher. I am extremely excited to use this in my classroom to incorporate more differentiated instruction in the areas that the students are struggling. I can personally set each student up with an activity on his or her level on the content area needed. This is seriously going to be great. We need to get the word of Game Classroom out there.

1 comment:

  1. Free stuff is always good. I'm planning on having my students create Google site modules about the foundation of American Government. I've told them that they have to select an audience to create these for as well. Some of them have expressed an interest in creating them for elementary age students. What helpful hints could you provide that I could pass along to make them age appropriate for your students?
